Do not enter here who does not know geometry

Have you ever seen this phrase in a book, on a wall, on a website...? This famous phrase caught my attention in a maths class and I have decided that maybe you have too.

'No one enters here who does not know geometry' (Ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδείς εἰσίτω) was a phrase inscribed on the door of Plato's academy, founded in the 4th century BC, where philosophers, thinkers and teachers met to discuss mathematics, philosophy, logic and politics among other subjects.

It is known worldwide that it is thanks to the thinker Plato that we have a lot of knowledge today, which we continue to study and apply, among them Plato's solids or Platonic Solids, which deal with an association between elements that form the Universe and each polyhedron, which is a geometric body whose faces are flat and enclose a finite volume.

As we can see, Plato had a close relationship with geometry, since it is present in one of his most elementary theories

"Xenocrates wanted to study with him without knowing either music, geometry or astronomy, and Plato said to him: "Go away, for you do not have the grasp of philosophy".

This Academy is one of the oldest institutions of higher education and knowing something more about the ancient world we can see how mathematics ruled the entire classical world.

This is a very interesting subject to study in depth and to get to know the customs and the way of thinking of the classics. Thanks to them we have the foundations of mathematics, including geometry. Therefore, we should know how to value this type of science more and take an interest in it in order to learn more about the world around us.
